Friday, June 19, 2009

More to see of Hong Kong

Photos by Rick Allen.

TCM-Traditional Chinese Medicine

YSN Students studied various forms of TCM while they participated in an Integrative Health Program in Hong Kong this spring.



Chinese Herbal Medicine

Photos by Rick Allen.

YSN visits Hong Kong Polytechnic University

YSN Students in Action
Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Photos by Rick Allen.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Intergrative Health-Traditional Chinese Medicine and the APN

Hong Kong
March 6-17, 2009


(top to bottom, left to right)

YSN Student Leslie Wheeless, Faculty Preceptor Patrica Jackson Allen, YSN Students Cathryn Kokonowski, Sarah Comeaux, Katherine Gonzalez, Susan Wasseluk, and Miriam Lundy.

Photo by Rick Allen.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

One of the best experiences of my life...

The trip to Nicaragua was one of the best experiences of my life. I left feeling hopeful about the future of these families. Despite the current social and political turmoil in the country, the children at “La Escuelita” were happy. Their parents exhibited a great amount of perseverance just to survive each day. I learned a lot from our preceptors, who were knowledgeable and resourceful in finding solutions for the healthcare problems in the school. I realize more than ever that as Nurse Practitioners, we have so much to offer our patients and we have a responsibility to the global community.

Paula Rosales

Monday, June 1, 2009

Team Nicaragua 2009!

Step by step...

A recent trip to Hong Kong to study Integrative Health and Traditional Chinese Medicine is not the first time Leslie Wheeless has been away from her U.S. home. She traveled quite a ways, seeking to find the best way she could make a difference in the world. The YSN International Nursing Experience provides but a stepping stone to students in what can turn out to be a very global outreach in one's nursing career. Read more about Leslie's experiences in Yale Nursing Matters.

Yale Nursing Matters Volume 9 Number 2

Photography by Rick Allen.

Not just another international traveler...

Brandon Ko was one of seven students that made the excursion to Managua, Nicaragua this spring break to play an integral part of the Pediatric Clinical Experience at "La Escuelita". But, Brandon's effect shows up in more than just Nicaragua as he narrates about other experiences on his journey to becoming a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. His intense reflection of one such experience made him a recipient of one of the 2009 YSN Creative Writing Awards.
We applaud his efforts and are proud to say that he, as well as his fellow international students, are Making A World of Difference!