Some YSN students recieved the opportunity to spend their spring break in other parts of the world. This is all a part of the International Nursing Experience offered here at YSN. This spring, students traveled to Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and China.
In Managua, Nicaragua, this pediatric clinical experience helps to provide complete health screenings for the children of La Esquelita. http://nursing.yale.edu/Centers/International/files/MANAGUA.2009.pdf
To learn more about La Escuelita, go to http://www.littleschoolnicaragua.com/
Students traveled to La Romana, Dominican Republic to provide and support nurse-midwifery care. http://nursing.yale.edu/Centers/International/files/LaRomana.2009.pdf
The ongoing collaboration between YSN and Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Nursing created an opportunity for students to gain hands-on exposure to nursing in Hong Kong, Chinese culture, the Hong Kong healthcare system, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Yale School of Nursing provides opportunities each year for students to gain extensive knowledge and experience in an international clinical setting. Please keep watch for stories and pictures of these international nursing experiences and much more.